Est ce que l’Église Est Devenue moins Importante Aujourd’hui?

Is Church Becoming Irrelevant?

Penses tu que l’Église devient moins importante? La manière dont je pense personnellement que nous devons tenter de répondre à la question est en observant des signes. Et, je dirais qu’il ya cinq d’entre eux, pour moi, lesquels pourraient déterminer la non pertinence de l’Église aujourd’hui . Lorsque la notion d’autorité morale devient discutable La […]

Is Church Becoming Irrelevant Today?

Is Church Becoming Irrelevant?

Do you think that Church is becoming irrelevant? How I personally think we should attempt to answer the question is by watching for signs. And, I would say there are five of them that, to me, could determine Church’s irrelevance today.  When The notion of Moral Authority becomes debatable  The notion of morality is important to every […]