Qui Dieu Veut Que Tu Deviennes

Who God Wants You to Become - Emmanuel Naweji

“Qui tu pourrais devenir” est la deuxième dans la série de sermon en deux parties. Lis l’article précédent ici. Pour rafraîchir ta mémoire, ce que tu dois savoir sur “qui tu es” signifie ceci: “Tu es qui Dieu dit que tu es.” Ne laisses pas quelqu’un ou quoi que ce soit déterminer qui tu devras […]

Who God Wants You To Become

Who God Wants You to Become - Emmanuel Naweji

“Who you could become” is the second in the two­-part sermon series. Read the previous one here. To refresh your memory, what you should know about “who you are” is one thing. God is the One who says “who you are.” Don’t let anyone or anything say who you should be. The reason is that […]