In case you struggle to be yourself, here are 3 ways to help you do it.
Make Jesus the reason for your life.
- Design your day in a way that will be pleasing to God. All what you say, think or do, let it give glory to God.
- Ask Jesus Christ to lead you throughout the day so that you do only what He wants. What Jesus wants you to do is the only thing that will make you be your best. It’s the only thing that will make you grow spiritually, in your influence and productivity as a Christian.
- Because you’ve invited Jesus to be at the center of your day, He will provide you with the tools or means to help you accomplish what needs done during the day.
- Jesus, leading your day, will melt, mold and fill you with the Holy Spirit helping you be at your best during the day.
Through Jesus you are who you should be.
- Stay connected with Jesus throughout the day. And you do it through prayer, keep God’s Word with you all the time and being in communion with others. With your smartphone (for those who have one), you should be able to do all that. Use apps such as: Youversion (for Bible reading), Prayer Journal, Pray with Me, and more. These apps can help you:
- pray for people during your break at work or school;
- read your Bible; and
- journal as you listen to God.
- As a result of staying connected with Jesus, you become more like Him.
In Jesus you have power.
- God empowers you as a result of making Jesus the reason for your day and choosing to stay connected to Him throughout the day.
- You are empowered through Jesus Christ TO BE.
- In Jesus Christ, God makes you a new creation everyday. Through faith in Jesus Christ, you have received the power to become a child of God.
- Every morning, you have a fresh start. It is a new beginning with all the possibilities for you to be your best.
- You are empowered TO DO. As a child of God and a new creation in Christ, you also have power to accomplish all that needs done this day. Through Jesus Christ, you can do all things. And this is not because of your might or power, but because of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit has equipped you to do everything you ought to today.
While you’re connecting with people around you – family, work, church and community – stay connected to Jesus Christ, the true Vine. By doing so, you will bear so much fruit that’s pleasing in God’s eyes!
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15: 5.
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