You Need Faith and Here’s Why

You need faith and here's why - Emmanuel Naweji

You need faith and here’s why is what I share about in this video.  There are three reasons, according to me, why you need faith. And, all of them are biblical as well as practical.  You find them below, and I’m also including Scriptures that support these reasons why you need faith in your life.  […]

Fait(e) pour Être une Merveille

Make 2019 The Best Year Ever - Emmanuel Naweji

Dans cette vidéo, je partage trois raisons pour lesquelles je crois que vous avez été créé pour être une merveille. Le Psaume 139: 14 est une Écriture que nous fondons sur nos fondements. Je vous en félicite, car je suis terriblement et merveilleusement créé. Merveilleuses sont tes oeuvres; mon âme le sait très bien. ”ESV. […]

You Were Made to Be a Wonder - Emmanuel T Naweji

In this video, I share three reasons why I believe, you were made to be a wonder. A scripture we use as our foundation is Psalm 139: 14, I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” ESV. [bctt tweet=”“Wonderfully made” means separated, distinct, set aside, and […]

Pray and You’ll Be Healthier

Emmanuel Naweji

In this video, I share why when you pray you’ll be healthier than those who don’t. It’s one of the reasons why you and I should always be in prayer. Prayer is the most popular alternative therapy in America today. According to the University of Rochester, prayer increasingly proves to be working. We are all wired […]

The Power of the Human Mind

Emmanuel Naweji

In this video, I share on the power of the human mind. You need to be aware of how powerful your mind can be, and the fact that your mind can influence everything about your life. Four things you need to know about the power of your mind The human mind is the area for […]

Discover the Healer in You

Discover the Healer in You - Emmanuel Naweji

In this video, I share about how to “discover the Healer in you.”  Healing is about connecting with the healer in you. Most people don’t know much about this and think that healing comes from the outside world. Healing begins in you. It requires you to change your mindset. It comes out of your inner […]

3 Choses à Savoir sur la Guérison

Nous pouvons tous faire l’expérience de la guérison même si plus de 95% de la population mondiale a des problèmes de santé! C’est ce dont je parlerai à partir de maintenant tout en vous fournissant des outils bibliques et chrétiens pour vous aider à expérimenter ce don de guérison de Dieu. Dans cet épisode, je […]

3 Things You Should Know About Healing

We can all experience healing even though over 95% of the population in the world have health problems! That’s what I’ll be talking about from now on while providing you with Biblical and Christian tools to help you experience this gift of healing from God.  In this episode, I share three things about healing I […]

Tools to Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever

In this video, I share about the tools that can help you make 2019 your best year ever.  The tools are downloadable:  Faith.  Fear not.  Stay Focused.  Stay Fit.  Please, feel free to tweak and use them as you wish. I hope this helps you as you prepare for 2019.  Happy New Year to you […]