Your Spirituality Matters … Here Is Why

Your Spirituality Matters ... Here's Why - Emmanuel Naweji

Your Spirituality matters … And here’s why! Here’s how I would define spirituality. This is the ability to connect with the Spiritual. It is a practice, not a skill, which allows you to deepen your awareness about your own spirit. As you may already know, there are a lot of suggested ways to work on your […]

Marches comme un Enfant de la Lumière

Walking as a Child of the Light - Emmanuel Naweji

Un enfant de la Lumière passe du temps avec Dieu.⠀ N’importe ou tu es et n’importe quel moment dans ta vie peut devenir un lieu de culte pour toi. Ce que tu dois faire c’est de prendre seulement du temps pour te rapprocher de Dieu.⠀ Le temps que tu passes avec Dieu t’aide à mieux […]

Walk As A Child Of The Light

Walking as a Child of the Light - Emmanuel Naweji

Walk as a Child of the Light!⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ A Child of the Light spends time with God.⠀ Any place and any time in your life can become a place of worship for you. What you only need to do is to make time from wherever you may be to draw near to God. ⠀ The more […]

Tu Influences parce que Tu Es Chrétien(ne)

A Christian is an Influencer - Emmanuel Naweji

Un chrétien est quelqu’un qui influence! Tu es censé influencer ton environnement. Et cela commence d’où tu vis. Influencer ton environnement est un mandat que Dieu a donné à toute l’humanité depuis le début de tout. La création, un récit biblique de la façon dont l’univers a été créé, en témoigne. Lis Genèse 2 et […]

You Are An Influencer Because You’re A Christian

A Christian is an Influencer - Emmanuel Naweji

A Christian Is An Influencer! You were meant to influence your surroundings. And this starts from where you live. Influencing your surroundings is a mandate God has given to all humankind from the very beginning. The creation, a Biblical narrative of how the universe came to be, testifies to that. Read Genesis 2 and focus on verse […]

6 Things You Can Do With The Power You Have As A Christian

6 Things You Can Do With The Power You Have As A Christian - Emmanuel Naweji

There are 6 things you can do with the Power you have as a Christian! Before telling you more about them, let me point out that this post came out of a conversation I had with one of my church members. Among the other things we talked about, the idea of what kind of power […]

Keep and Protect Your Heart With All Vigilance

Keep and Protect Your Heart With All Vigilance - Emmanuel Naweji

Your heart is the greatest gift you have. And that’s why you have to guard and protect it with all vigilance. Here are three reasons why you have to keep your heart. Your heart represents who you are. Your heart represents your inner being. Your heart defines your moral character. Your life values are established […]

A Christian Is a Person Who Does The Will of God

A Christian is A Person Who Does The Will Of God - Emmanuel Naweji

Remember that you’re a Christian … A christian is simply a person who does the will of God. His or her purpose in life is to please God, no matter what! Doing God’s will is doing the following. Doing the will of God is to rely on God’s grace. ⠀⠀ ⠀ Here’s what God’s grace does […]

8 Things That Can Change Your Life Forever

8 Things That Can Change Your Life Forever - Emmanuel Naweji

There are 8 things that can change your life forever, and for the better!  Know yourself better.  Knowing your self is an important exercise to do. That’s known as self-awareness.  This is the ability to tap into who you are. It is something you do to connect with your inner being. One of the ways to […]