Live, Don’t Simply Survive!

Don't survive but live

Live, don’t only survive! Don’t you feel like life today seems to be more about simply surviving than living?  Probably, you don’t notice the difference between the two: surviving and living. What’s true though is that you don’t simply have to survive, but you should live! The inability to determine whether you live or survive can […]

5 Productivity Tips: Learning from Jesus Christ and His Life on Earth

5 Productivity Tips: Learning from Jesus

5 Productivity Tips: Learning from Jesus and How He lived on earth Everyday, I bet just like me, you want to be productive. But, we all struggle with how to effectively be productive. Don’t we? As I read and learn about the most productive people, to me, Jesus Christ has been the best of all. When He […]

The Way We Talk Always Matters

The Way You Talk Matters

The way we talk truly matters! Lately with what’s going on in the news, I have been reflecting on the way we talk.  And as Christians, the way we talk should always matter. Whether we do it in locker rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, at work, anywhere else, how we talk to one another is very important.  […]

Is A Stress-Free Life Possible?

Is a stress-free life possible? Living a stress-free life isn’t very realistic in today’s world. There will always be something to create stress in our lives. But, no matter what happens to us, what’s in our power is that we can choose not to be controlled by it. This is something nothing or no one can […]

You Can Experience Healing: 4 Tips

God’s intention is that you and I are as healthy as we can be!  The apostle John echoes it through his prayer: “I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting well.” In a different Bible version, this same piece of scripture […]

3 Steps To A Happier Week

Steps To A Happier Weekend - Emmanuel Naweji

How you use your weekends determines how your week ahead will go. In other words, you cannot have a great week if you don’t prepare for it. So, how do you prepare for your week? You do it over the weekend. Your weekends’ experience should be refreshing and re-energizing. Don’t let your weekends be energy […]

3 Steps To Help You Be Your Best

Be Your Best

[bctt tweet=”Every human being is meant to be good, beautiful and resourceful.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””] In other words, you and I have all necessary potential to be the best version of ourselves. If you claim that God represents perfection, fulfillment and abundant life, then, your life, here on earth, is a glimpse of all that. Why […]

Become A Christian Leader: 3 Tips

Every Christian should be a leader just where they live. I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably saying: “it cannot be me.” [bctt tweet=”Let me tell you that being a leader is not just a role we play. It is a lifestyle.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””] Yes, even you can become that leader God wants in your community.  […]

3 Practical Steps To Get You Moving Again When You’re Feeling Stuck


Have you ever felt the urge to do something, and as you’re about to put it into action, you feel stuck? In this post, I am going to share with you three practical ways to help you get moving again when you’re feeling stuck. Let’s first look at what could be reasons why we often […]

How To Establish and Maintain Healthy Relationships

How do we establish and maintain healthy relationships? There are 4 things that come with establishing and maintaining healthy relationships in life.   Healthy relationships imply a covenant A covenant is an agreement two parties make together. This agreement means that they lay down values that will govern their relationship.  Part of this agreement also implies that […]