On Obedience
Another thing we learn throughout Lent is obedience, in addition to repentance and forgiveness. Read Philippians 2: 3 – 11. Paul, the writer of this letter to the Church in Philippi, tells us that Jesus is the model for humility and obedience. When you look up the Word, obedience, in dictionaries, it implies some form of […]
On Forgiveness
One other thing Lent reminds us of, in addition to repentance, is forgiveness. It is what we receive when we return to God. As discussed in the previous reflection, forgiveness was made possible through Jesus Christ. Read John 1: 29-34. The primary theme you come across in this story is that “Jesus Christ is the […]
On Repentance
Lent is a Christian season that starts on Ash Wednesday and ends during Holy Week. It is the last week of Lent, which ends on the day Jesus died on the cross (Good Friday). Lent lasts for 40 days, a number that is very symbolic in the Jewish tradition. In the book of Genesis, […]
Embracing a New Vision for 2020
In this video, I share that “embracing a new vision,” will help us influence and live better in 2020. It’s the second in our series, “How to Influence and Live Better in 2020.” The primary scripture I referred to in the video is Genesis 15. Three steps to help you frame a better vision for […]
Renew Your Mindset to Live and Influence Better in 2020
Here’s a video on how to renew your mind, which eventually helps you live and influence better in 2020. What matters is not coming up with a list of New Year resolutions. The purpose of this three-part series is to help us understand the anatomy of how goal-setting should work, especially when it comes to […]
Christmas Is About God’s Mercy
Christmas is all about God’s sovereignty, as we discussed in my previous article. Also, Christmas is about God’s mercy. There are three things we discover about that, and which we will elaborate on in the following lines. Jesus, the Face of God’s Mercy Throughout the Old Testament, Jesus Christ was at the center […]
Christmas Is About God’s Sovereignty
In this teaching series, we’re looking at the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is all about God’s sovereignty! Let’s start first by looking at Isaiah 2: 1 – 5, the Scripture we’ll be using as our foundation. If you look at verse 2, there is a phrase I’ll elaborate on now, “It shall come […]
Be Thankful for Who God Is
Showing gratitude isn’t something we do only for ourselves. We do it primarily because it is what God wants us to do. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5: 18. ESV). In my previous articles, we studied the following: How to show […]
Be Thankful For Your Past
Being thankful requires us to show gratitude for all the people we’ve met in our lives. It also means we have to be grateful for who we are. In addition to the above, we also need to be thankful for our past. The reason is that people are connected, one way or another, with much of what […]
Be Thankful For “Self”
If there’s one thing we all can control is how to respond to whatever happens to us. In every situation we go through in life, we will always have the choice to decide how to respond. In other words, what we choose to do shapes our feelings and emotions about ourselves, others and our […]