Emotions and How to Handle Them (Part Two)

In this video, I continue talking about emotions and how to handle them, but with a focus on guilt and shame.

Review the previous video when I talked about anger and how to handle it.

Three things that come with every emotion

They all begin in a given place, which could be an environment where you found yourself in the past. It is also space, in which what you’re feeling now might have started.

They all begin at a given time. Emotions and feelings are a response to what took place in your past.

Your interactions with a place (and everything/everyone you encounter) and time trigger the kind of feelings and emotions you have today.

Read Romans 8: 1-8. It’s the scripture I’m using to help us with our reflection on guilt and shame.

There are three concepts you come across as you read the above Scripture:

    • The Law.
    • The Mind.
    • The Flesh.

Let’s start with the Law. There are two kinds of Law according to Romans 8.

The Law of the Flesh

The Law of the flesh is everything that binds you to your past. It wants to keep you enslaved to sin, pain, suffering, and mistakes of the past.

Remember, the past isn’t where God wants you to dwell. God wants you to set your mind on what God is about to do for you!

Read Isaiah 43: 18.

Guilt and shame are a result of choosing to dwell on our past mistakes, errors, and sins.

Your current emotions and feelings tend to draw you back to their triggers.

Jesus said once that the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing (Matthew 26: 41).

Every time you let the Law of the flesh govern your life, you will always be locking yourself in your past.

The Law of the Spirit

The Law of the Spirit says that there is no condemnation for you because you’ve set your mind on Christ.

This law sets you free from condemnation, guilt, and shame.

It helps you walk according to the Spirit. And, walking according to the Spirit means you set your mind on what God is capable of doing.

You don’t have dreams and visions in your body. Do you?

They happen in your mind (and spirit). The body can’t make sense of what’s not material or physical.

That’s why your body keeps bringing back the pain, mistakes, sins of the past, which want to enslave you to guilt and shame.

The Law of the Spirit frees you from all of that.

As a result, you receive these two things:

    • Freedom.
    • The ability to create.

In Conclusion

God made you, not to be condemned and bound to guilt and shame. God created you to just like God, free and able to lead, influence your surroundings, and live at your best.