God’s Voice – 3 Ways to Listen to God

God’s Voice – 3 Ways to help us listen to God!

Questions, which most people ask themselves include: Does God truly speak? If so, how does He speak to people? Is God’s voice similar to human voices? And how do I distinguish God’s voice from my thoughts or other voices? 

In the following lines, I will propose a framework that, I believe, could help you and I answer the above questions on how to hear God’s voice.

To begin, let me say that [bctt tweet=”God’s voice is essential to a life of happiness and fulfilment.”] Why am I saying this?

[bctt tweet=”God’s voice (Word) provides us with: wisdom, understanding and insight.”] However, for one to receive these benefits that come with God’s words, based on Proverbs 2 (verses 1-5), the process will require an attentive ear and an inclining heart. It implies an intentional and disciplined practice of what it takes to be able to hear God’ voice daily.

Also, let me point out that God answers when we call to Him (Jeremiah 33:3). [bctt tweet=”God’s answers give us: instructions, the way we should go about everything and counsel (Psalm 32: 8-9).”]

The question, “how do we hear God’s voice?,” however, still stands. There are 3 major ways to help us hear God speak to us. First, God speaks to us through the Bible. Paul talks about that to Timothy (2 Timothy 3: 16-17). Every time you read the Bible, ask yourself: “what is God trying to say to me through this scripture?” You can also ask: “how does it apply to my life?”

God's voice

1) The Bible is a way we hear God’s voice, because God’s Word (whether written or revealed) gives us light (Psalm 119: 105). However, you have to keep it with you so that you are able to see as you walk on your path.

2) We hear God’s voice in life through the Holy Spirit. This is very important because only God’s Spirit will reveal us what is on God’s mind. Also, the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we are children of God (Romans 8: 14). Enlightenment comes through the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1: 18). God’s Spirit helps not only recognize God’s voice, but also distinguish it from any other voices (personal or others). The Holy Spirit gives us life too, which we receive through the reading of the Word of God.

3) We hear God’s voice through people. The reason that we hear God’s voice through people is based on John 8:47. Jesus suggests that “the reason why you do not hear the words of God (or the voice of God) is because you are not of God.” Belonging to Jesus’ flock helps learn God’s voice and distinguish it from other voices.

What should I do about all this? To learn how to listen to God’s voice requires: 1) faith, which means making Jesus Christ become your best friend; 2) a daily practice of prayer and scripture reading; 3) walking with someone just like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-25). You never know what God can say to you through someone else!

(This reflection is based on the sermon delivered by Pastor Emmanuel at the Harris & Lake Park UMC on November 15 2015) Click to listen to the audio sermon.