How To Navigate Your Way Through Change in Life

Change, whether we want it or not, happens to us all. No one can escape it.

But, how we handle change is what matters the most. And, the reason is that if you don’t handle change the right way, it can damage you and the people in your life.

In this article, I share three quick ways that can help you handle change the right way.

Before I do that, let me point out that change can have to do with your body, work, relationship, loss of a loved one, etc.

Here’s how you can go through change and come out victorious. 



First, Make God Your Anchor



Why making God your anchor is essential to the way you should handle change?

If there’s anyone who doesn’t change and whom change doesn’t affect, it is God.

And, that’s exactly he tells Moses, based on Exodus 3: 13-15.

In other words, God changes everything and everyone. But, no one or nothing can change Him.

Using God as your anchor will help you not be blown away by the storms of life. It’s like a strong wind blowing over a huge tree. For as longs as you hold onto the tree, you will never be moved.

Your only responsibility is to make sure you know your anchor. Then, you make sure you hold onto it, no matter what.



Be In The Community



God as your anchor is great and very important.

In addition, you need to be in the community.

Just as Ecclesiastes points out, there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). In other words, what you’re going through, someone, and someplace, has been there.

You learn about this person and how they’ve handled a situation (change) similar to yours only when you’re connected to them, and in a community.

Also, since we’re all social beings, we will always need to stay connected with God and each other.

There are many ways you can connect with others:

      • Small groups at your church or in your community.
      • Sunday school.
      • Start your own. 

Act on It



Just as birds and other living creatures get prepared for the changes (in seasons) to come, I will encourage us to do the same too. Changes in life aren’t things you and I can alter or even control. But, we can change our attitudes towards what’s happening to us.

3 ways you can act on your situation:

Get some awareness. Learn about the things that are related to the different seasons of life you’re going through: relationships, losses, illnesses, career changes, illnesses, retirement, and so forth.

Choose to boldly and courageously face whatever comes your way. It’s an attitude you have to teach yourself to have on a daily basis. That way you will help you avoid living in denial. Being in denial does not always help people go through change the right way. Denial blinds you from the reality of your situation, which eventually gets you stuck.

Get help from someone. Talk to your Pastor or someone you trust. Find people in your community who have the grace and gifts to mentor you. 

May God be with you in this season of your life!