Your heart is the greatest gift you have.
And that’s why you have to guard and protect it with all vigilance.
Here are three reasons why you have to keep your heart.
Your heart represents who you are.
- Your heart represents your inner being.
- Your heart defines your moral character.
- Your life values are established in your heart.
Your victory in life begins in your heart.
- Battles between evil and good take place in your heart.
- Your heart is the place for decision-making and choices.
- Your heart is the place where resolutions and determinations of the will take place.
Your heart connects you to the Divine.
- As a Christian, my heart is God’s dwelling. God has always been concerned with the heart of humans because that’s where He wants to dwell. Jesus knocks on the door of our heart (Revelation 3:20).
- God searches the heart and tries the reins (Jeremiah 17:10). He wants a personal relationship, which happens in the heart.
- The new covenant between God and all people is that God will give us a new heart and new spirit. This is a regeneration of self through the power of the Holy Spirit.
[bctt tweet=”A spiritually healthy heart means a better life! ” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””]
So, today, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23 ESV).
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