When Humans Are Alienated from God


This reflection is the first in the study series of Paul’s letter to the Romans. In this part, we focus on chapter 1 through the first half of chapter 3. 

First, let’s point out that this letter is the longest we have in the New Testament. Paul wrote it from Corinth around the years 57 and 58 A.D.

Paul opens with stating what his mission is, “to bring about the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5). 

He later adds saying that the gospel, which helps with obedience of faith, is the only power of God for salvation (see Romans 1: 17). 


What do we learn from this section of Paul’s letter to the Romans? 


First, lack of faith sets us up for unrighteousness. 

Second, unrighteousness suppresses God’s truth (Romans 1: 18-19). 

Third, unrighteousness makes people do dishonorable things (Romans 1: 26-31).

Last, those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but, obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury (Romans 2: 6-11). 

As a result of the original sin (read Genesis 3), all human beings are sinners by default.

In other words, once we enter this world through natural birth, we are programmed for disobedience to God and God’s word.

Living an unrighteous or ungodly lifestyle is easier than following God’s commandments and live according to Him.

In the next section, Paul tells us that there is a way out of this state of being. And, to prepare for it, please, read Romans 3, 4, and 5.