Life’s a Journey and the reality that comes with it is that this kind of journey is different from any other in life.
For example, when a day is gone, it does not come back again. It is forever lived and gone. This points out to the idea that we are on a journey, but not just like any other journey.
When we are on the highway or country road driving on the other hand, we can stop and drive back if we want to. That is not the case, however, because in real life, as mentioned above, we cannot back.
But, there is good news because when we have God as our King we are guaranteed of three things:
He fights our battles:
He guides us; and
He provides for us with all what we need on the journey.
The above is what God does for us when we invite Him in our lives as King. He fixes what we cannot. He takes care of the past that we cannot make better and leads us into our future unafraid.
But all that comes with us playing also a part in the process.
What do you and I have to do in this process?
Jesus talks of two things: be the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5: 13-16).
These two phrases imply that:
we are members in God’s Kingdom;
we are members of each other; and
we are signs of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
All that points out to the fact that you and I are the only strategy God is using to draw people to Himself.
In verse 16 of Matthew 5, Jesus defines the fruit of you and I being salt and light saying “because of your good works, they will give glory to your Father in heaven.” That is the ultimate purpose of you being where you are and living with the people you know!
Being “salt of the earth and light of the world” should therefore be a prayer that you and I have to make everyday.
Our roles include: preserving the values of God’s kingdom, being instrumental in drawing people to worship, walking with people so that they someday make a covenant to follow and serve Jesus Christ and so forth.
So, this week, I would suggest you two things you could do in order to be salt and light:
Pray for and send someone you know a scripture that always inspires you; and
Look for what you see as a gift in someone and ask God to empower this person so that they can best use their gift.
Be the salt of the earth and the light of the world so that people through you may glorify your Father God in heaven!