Pursue Love And Not Honor

Who would say no to honor, recognition or glory?

Even though, it is OK to get all of those things, but, pursuing them isn’t a good way of life that bears much fruit.

A better quality way of life is grounded in the pursuit of righteousness and kindness. This lifestyle leads to life, righteousness and honor.

Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor (Proverbs 21:21, ESV).

I love how this scripture reads in the The Message: “Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!”

Let me share 3 ways you can pursue righteousness and kindness this day:

1. Let God be God.

  • You can do this by beginning and ending the day with God.
  • Invite God into your work, thinking process, actions, or everything you do.


2. Be an inspiration to someone.

  • Show love to all people.
  • Do something nice for a colleague at work, a friend, a neighbor, etc.
  • Pray for people: friends and everyone else you may think of.


Doing so introduces to what Scriptures talks about, “life, righteousness and honor.”


Here’s what happens when you pursue righteousness and kindness (love):

First, you experience more life.

This is expressed in a form of fulfillment, which results from the joy of seeing how your way of life impacts other people. 

You impact people based on the different roles you play in your daily living: husband or wife, son or daughter, worker, scholar, neighbor, church member, etc.

Living this way also gives you purpose. You wake up every morning with anticipation of how God will use you to change other people’s lives. 


Second, you experience righteousness.

Practicing righteousness and kindness makes you more righteous and kind. It is a natural principle. The more you use your muscles, the stronger they get.

Also, every human being has some seeds planted to live in righteousness and kindness. Only God can help us discover and bring to life what He has already invested in us.

If we look at righteousness and kindness as seeds in our lives, then they will grow into trees and eventually bear fruit later for our good and the good of other people.

But, it is the responsibility of each one of us to take care of the seeds until they become trees and bear fruit. Even, though growth of any form is in God’s expertise, our part, however, is to water and provide all the necessary nutrients for our lives to bear fruit.

We do so by feeding ourselves with the appropriate food: spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical.

Practising righteousness and kindness (love) is one way to feed and care for the seeds in our lives. The more we do it, the better we get at it.


Lastly, you experience honor.

In The Message, Scripture talks about “a glorious life” or “life itself” as the fruit of pursuing righteousness and kindness (love).

Keep in mind though that, “a glorious life” is not a goal, but the fruit of pursuing righteousness and kindness.

So, if you were pursuing honor, recognition and fame, you may have then to rethink your life.

The kind of pursuit you need today to give you fulfillment and joy in life should be: righteousness and kindness (love).

Therefore, I pray today that you pursue righteousness and love so that you can experience fulfillment in your life, work, family and in all the other aspects of who you are!