How to Handle Stress and Anxiety as a Christian

Stress and anxiety are things we all experience.

As a Christian, you may probably think that you become stress and anxiety free.

No, that’s not true!

Every human being gets anxious and stressed one way or another. It’s how things work. Stress and anxiety are two things from which you and I can’t escape.

Here are three areas that can help you manage and conquer stress in your life, and daily. 


Your Mind Matters


Your mind is the only place where you make all decisions and choices about what to say and do. It defines your emotions and feelings.

In other words, your mind connects with your soul, spirit, and heart.

The concept of “mind” as key to helping you handle stress and anxiety is Biblical. For example, take a look at this Scripture:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12: 2. NIV.

Personal transformation, which also defines the ways you should handle stress and anxiety begins in your mind. Paul talks about it, based on the above Scripture.

He also adds the fact that we’ve got to renew our mind in order to experience transformation.

Renewal is, therefore, a mental activity that engages you and God in your mind through faith in Jesus Christ. As a result, you experience God’s peace and rest. Read Matthew 11: 28-29 and John 14: 27.


Your Body Matters


Your body is very important to help you deal with stress and anxiety.

There’s a Scripture that I want you to always keep in mind:

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20. NIV. 

To honor God is to make sure you do the following:

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat well.
  • Exercise as often as you can.

Every time you don’t do any of the above, you disrupt balance and harmony in your body. As a result, your resistance to stress and anxiety goes down.

You become stressed out and more anxious to the point of physically and physiologically affecting your health. You are therefore likely to experience depression and much worse.

Don’t only care for your body for the sake of being healthy. Do it, however, because it is what God wants you to do. Do it because your body doesn’t belong to you, but God, and one day you’ll give an account of how you will have done it.


Your Environment Matters


Anxiety and stress are human responses to what is going on in our environment. Any context in which we are can trigger our human response to make us feel stressed or anxious.

  • So, pay attention to what environment you may be.
  • Make sure you are with people who help you lower your stress and anxiety levels.
  • Prepare yourself before going into situations you know may raise the levels of stress and anxiety. You do it by caring for your body as stated above.


Get to work now 

Create an action plan.

  • Start with your mind. Feed your mind with words (Bible) that help you establish a mindset to control stress and anxiety while turning them into a source of energy for growth.
  • Know the triggers: people, relationships and situations that raise the levels of your stress and anxiety.
  • Care for your body: eating, sleeping and exercising.
  • Surround yourself with people who can inspire, encourage and support you. 

I want to learn from you. Please, share in the comment box below how you deal with stress and anxiety as a Christian.