You were made to have a life that should be better than what you have now!

Let me begin by asking you this question: How would you describe your life at this point? Do you feel fulfilled?

Let me rephrase the above questions: from 1 to 10 where would you say the level of your satisfaction and fulfillment in life could be?

Genesis 1 can help us with that, especially if we focus on verses 26 through 31. 

What’s helpful though is to read the entire chapter to get an idea about the whole concept that I will use in the lines below.

What’s happening, based on Genesis 1, is that God has destined you:
1. to be fruitful and multiply;
2. to fill the earth and subdue it; and
3. to have dominion on every other creature. Read verse 28.

Those three elements represent the blueprint God had in mind for all humans when God made us.

What God has in mind for your life and mine translates into 5 truths about your life. 

Truth #1: God made you for a fruit-bearing life.

Jesus wants us to bear fruit because this is who you and I were made to be. In order to bear fruit, we need to be connected to the True Vine that is Jesus. Read John 15. 

It is Jesus’ desire that you and I have a fruit-bearing life. That’s why He sent us the Holy Spirit to help us with that. The Holy Spirit helps us bear fruit that is worthy of God’s Kingdom (see Galatians 5: 22). 

Truth #2: God made you for a for an abundant life.

It is God’s plan that you have a full and packed life. God wants you to have an abundant life. This has been made possible through Jesus Christ who came to give it to us. 

Jesus said it in His own words, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10: 10). 

This abundant life mindset is different from what you can think of right now. It does not have to do with what you’ve accumulated or can do. It is grounded

Life abundant comes out of what God has done and continues to do through Jesus Christ. So, when you believe in Jesus Christ and invite Him into your daily living, God makes your life plentiful. 

God enables you to find clarity on your potential and how to use it in order to fulfill your destiny here on earth. 

Truth #3: God made you for a productive life.

This is not just about getting things done.

It has primarily to do with how we efficiently use our potential and gifts to get things done. 

It also implies that the way we live adds value to the world. In other words, our surroundings benefit from our lives.

Wherever we live and whatever situation we are, we make it high-yielding, worthwhile and constructive for us and the world around us.

Truth #4: God made you for an increase-full life.

Numbers matter in God’s eyes.   

An increase-full life is, therefore, the life God wants you to have. God wants you to increase and while doing so, He wants you to remain full.   

The reason is that a number, in God’s sight, represents a life. And, every life is here for a purpose. In the case, a number does not directly represent a life, it is somehow connected to a life. Therefore, it also matters in God’s eyes.  

In the case where a number does not directly represent a life, it is somehow connected to a life. Therefore, every nonliving matter is as special in God’s eyes just as a living matter is.  

That’s why God does not only want us to bear fruit but much more fruit. Read John 15: 6, “Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit…”

So, if you do one good thing, why not do two the next time? When you help someone be better, why not help two when you get another opportunity?

In Church, if there is an empty chair, why not invite someone from the community?   

Truth #5: God made you for a rewarding life.

Life and everything about human life should be rewarding.  

You can experience reward in life only through giving. This could be in the form of time, resources, skills, talents, etc. Satisfying and gratifying in our eyes and in God’s sight.  

The highest level of satisfaction or gratification is reached when people’s lives are being changed for the better.

How can your life become a vessel for changing people’s lives? In other words, how does your life build others up?  

Remember that it’s not only something you do for others. This is a result witnessing how what you do is changing other people for the better. 

The change and transformation you see with your own eyes in people connected to you is the source of fulfillment and meaning. It is the kind of life God has destined you to have. This is a very rewarding life.