The Power of Good Communication

Have you ever thought of how good communication can impact your life?

If you want to be heard, just as we all want to, the way we communicate plays a major role in the process.

Whether you do it verbally or nonverbally, your thoughts, reasoning and words convey a message to others. In one way or another, people often perceive who you are based on what they see. And what they see is the message you send to them about yourself.

In this post, I will not focus on the way you want people to perceive you. Instead, I will discuss 3 impacts of better communication. 

Paul, for instance, says these words: “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways” (1 Corinthians 13: 11). 

Clearly, speech, thought and reasoning are important in communication, as pointed above. Also, based on the scripture, communication is a skill. Because it is a skill, it is then possible to learn how to get better at it. But, if you would like to learn, you would need to choose to do it.

Just as any skill requires discipline and practice, so does communication.  

Let me also point out that good communication isn’t about being right.

[bctt tweet=”Good communication is instead about helping each other live at our best. ” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””]

Now, let us look at how good communication can impact your life and the lives of the people around you. 

Good communication sustains relationships

Good communication helps sustain healthy and good relationships. 

As a result, there is less fighting. The reality is that people often have conflicts among themselves when there is tension. This come out of lack of good communication.   

But, when people communicate better, they will have clarity on boundaries. In other words, good communication will help them clarify on what one can do and cannot.

Every time people clearly know what role they each should play in any organization (family, friendship, organization, church, etc.).

Eventually and because there are clear boundaries on what one can do or cannot do, everyone will be just where they should be. The number of conflicts will be as low as possible. And consequently, everybody, in the family, organization or church, will experience higher satisfaction than ever.   

Good communication helps with effective and productive use of resources

Good communication gives clarity on boundaries, as it also helps with priorities.

[bctt tweet=”Priorities work better when people are clear about what they can or cannot do. ” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””]

When priorities are clear, work or any task that needs accomplished gets done easily and more effectively. Also, because of clear priorities, there is effective use of time and other resources.

Good communication creates space for growth  

When everyone gets it, it becomes easier to get the task done, and quickly.

And, because one task is done, moving to the next can happen.

This opportunity to help you move onto the next task is actually what helps you not get stuck. As a result, growth happens out of pressing forward from one task to the next.

This growth, which initially is individual, becomes corporate as a result!

I would like to hear from you. Please, leave a comment in the box based on the two questions below: 1) “How have you worked on maintaining good communication?” 2) “what do you do to improve your communication skill?”