2 Things No Human Can Truly Give Us: Power over and Freedom from Sin!

[bctt tweet=”Humans, as powerful as they may sound or be, cannot offer us what Jesus Christ can! “]

People can give you money and other stuff of life. They can provide some security when it comes to our protection from bag guys, for example. And for that we should always be thankful for cops, soldiers, firefighters and all our leaders who work tirelessly to keep us safe!

How about sin, evil, addictions or any spiritual/emotional struggles we face? Who can help us with all of those personal, family, behavior or life problems?

This is where God’s expertise comes in handy.

[bctt tweet=”God is the only One who can give us Power over and Freedom from sin! “] Sin being anything that prevents us from loving God and neighbor the way we should.

The story in John 18: 5-11 can help with that.

Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, comes with soldiers to arrest Jesus. Two things happen in the story based on Jesus’ statement to the soldiers: “I am” (I am he).

First, in verse 6, “When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.” This is Power that comes with the “I am.” Jesus, being the “I am,” means Power.[bctt tweet=” We find Power in the name of Jesus Christ.”]

1) “[bctt tweet=”To those who believed in his name, he gave them the power to become children of God”] (John 1: 12).

Power to become a child of God cannot be earned and is not deserved. It is something we receive from God through Jesus Christ by believing in Him. 

2) “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2: 10-11).

This is another thing that comes with Power we receive from God. Every time we say the name of Jesus Christ, nothing, fighting us, will stand. Everything is called into obedience to God’s word through the power of the name of Jesus Christ.

3) [bctt tweet=”The name of Jesus, not only gives us Power, but also saves us.”] Paul says: “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” — Romans 10: 13

When we say the name of Jesus, something takes place. It is the reason why we end our prayers with the name of Jesus.

Salvation is in the name of Jesus — “And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2: 21).

This salvation that is given to us because we call upon the name of Jesus is twofold:
a) God rescues and honors us (Psalm 50: 15), and
b) God saves us from our enemies (2 Samuel 22: 4 & Psalm 18: 3). Anything that prevents you from being who God wants you to be is an enemy. By calling upon Jesus’ name, God will save you from this enemy.

Second, [bctt tweet=”our freedom comes from what God has done through Jesus Christ for us.”]

In verse 8, and after Jesus has said for the second time the “I am” statement, He would add: “So, if you seek me, let these men go.” Yes, He wanted to be arrested, crucified and killed. That was our death penalty, but He took our place and died on our behalf so that we are free.

What Jesus did for us is what we call redemption.

What is redemption?

Redemption is the action of freeing someone from anything or anyone that binds them. And sometimes, it requires a price or a ransom to make it possible.

Our redemption was made at a price — It cost Jesus’ own life. Paul says that “we were bought with a price.” ( 1 Cor. 6: 20; 7:23)

In the story ( John 18), Jesus accepted to be arrested, crucified to death so that His disciples could go free.

The idea of redemption with shedding of blood was started with the passover in Exodus 12. The people of Israel had to eat a meal as a family or clan. The blood of the animal they were to eat was to be put on the doorposts of each house. This was the day God had to judge Pharaoh and his people. The blood was a sign for the people. When God, in passing, saw the blood, He would pass over them and would not destroy them. (Exodus 12: 13)

In our case, [bctt tweet=”we are not redeemed from Egypt, but from sin. “]

That is why Jesus had to die on the cross and shed His blood. Someone had to do it. Yes, someone had to set, not only the people of Israel, one nation or family, but the entire world free from sin. Jesus did it as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

This sacrifice had to be done once for all. As a result, there is now an open path to sanctification (Hebrews 10: 1-14). Jesus Christ has made it possible through His sacrifice for us to be as holy as God is.

So, now we have power over and freedom from sin as two gifts that no humans can truly offer to us. We find power and freedom by faith in Jesus Christ!

This post was adapted from a sermon I delivered at the United Methodist church in Harris and Lake Park on February 28. Click to listen!