You Are A Champion

You Are A Champion

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. The Lord has made everything for its purpose.” (Proverbs 16: 3-4a)

There are 2 things that make you a champion.

1. [bctt tweet=”You Are A Champion Because You Live For A Purpose.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””]

This is something that makes you very special today. What you do, no one else can do. You talk, think and act just like you. Don’t try to be like someone else. 

Whether you are clear about what you ought to live for or not, just be you.

Before the creation of the world, God already had a design of who you should look like and why you should be who you are today.

What makes you a champion this day begins with embracing who God has made you. Be thankful!

2. [bctt tweet=”You Are A Champion Because God Establishes Your Plans.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””]

Yes, God will prosper and make you succeed today! This is Scripture. 

There is only one thing though you have to do: “commit your plans to the Lord.”

The reason why we have to commit our plans to God is that God has a purpose for everything we do.

So, committing our plans is a sign of obedience and surrender to God. By doing so, God is glad. The joy of our God is the source of our strength to grow and be the best version of ourselves.

Also, God has a purpose for everything in our lives. In other words, your life and everything you do today belong to God. Therefore, giving the day back to God before you go through it is a good thing. 

Today, live for a purpose today as God establishes your plans! Live like God’s champion this day by committing it all to Him before you live through it!