You Are Free

You are free!

Freedom is a human right, as a we say. It is a state that gives you a choice of what you want to say, do and even be. This kind of freedom is something that other humans can provide. Good governments in democratic nations want to make sure that every citizen is free.

But, there is a kind of freedom that humans cannot give us. This has to do with our inner battles.

You may have freedom to do, say and be, but still not have freedom from sin and death.

Freedom from sin and death has been made possible through faith in Jesus Christ.

We are set free from the law of sin and death through the law of the Spirit of life. 

Being under the law of sin and death means the following:

1. You have no clarity

God represents Light according to John 1, and sin darkness. The law of sin and death therefore represents life in darkness. Being in darkness and because of that desperate situation, you can listen to whoever speaks to you. You have no choice rather try anything.

In a way, you don’t make decisions. Someone will make them for you.

You have no clarity and are unable to see where you’re headed.

Your perception of life is distorted as a result of the inability to see due to the lack of light in life.

2. You make poor judgments

Lack of clarity or inability to see things as they should be seen can affect your decision making process.

Sin and death, being symbols of darkness, can easily affect every single area of your life. The powers of darkness corrupt your mind, soul, spirit, and eventually your body.

Your focus is dislocated. Instead of focusing on what matters most, you will focus on the wrong stuff and make them priorities.

3. You experience lack of balance

Because of lack of clarity and sound judgment, you will experience imbalance in life. Priorities will be mixed up and as a result you will spend more energy, time and resources on what you should not in the first place.

For example, work will replace family; TV shows will replace Church services, and so forth.   

What do I do then in order to be set free from the law of sin and death?

You don’t do much rather than just choose to let Jesus be Your Master.

Here’s a prayer that can help you get started: “Lord Jesus Christ, I invite You in my life. Be the Master and let Your Light shine in every aspect of who I am. I believe You have heard my prayer and thank You for that. Amen.” 

Here’s what it means to be under the law of the Spirit of life:

1. Your soul is revived

  • Being set free from sin and death means that your soul is revived.
  • Anything that was dead comes back to life. You become strong again.
  • You are restored from a depressed and unused life to one that is useful and resourceful. 

2. Your mind is renewed and transformed

  • You express freshness and the ability to do better.
  • You become more creative than ever.
  • You access new ideas for growth.
  • You are able to see as you should.
  • You find clarity in life.

3. You are made whole again

  • Your mind, soul and body feel united again.
  • You focus better.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8: 1-2)