3 Etapes pour un Meilleur Weekend

3 Etapes pour avoir un meilleur weekend

N’as tu jamais eu envie d’avoir une expérience plus enrichissante pendant tes weekends? Que tu restes a la maison ou que tu ailles en vacances en weekend, ne veux tu pas avoir un weekend plus rafraîchissant? Dans cet article, je partage 3 pratiques qui vont améliorer ton expérience pendant tes weekends en le rendant rafraîchissants. […]

3 Steps To A Happier Week

Steps To A Happier Weekend - Emmanuel Naweji

How you use your weekends determines how your week ahead will go. In other words, you cannot have a great week if you don’t prepare for it. So, how do you prepare for your week? You do it over the weekend. Your weekends’ experience should be refreshing and re-energizing. Don’t let your weekends be energy […]

Actions Speak Louder Than What You Say About Yourself

You and I may have heard of the saying: “actions speak louder than words.” In such a noisy world, and in which everything seems to be about superficiality, people tend to worry so much more about how they look in public than who they truly are. Look at social media, for instance, who would really […]

Finding Joy That Lasts

Joy is fuel to a lot of things in our lives. Without joy, it becomes quite a challenge to live at our best. Lack of joy can kill motivation, passion, enthusiasm and creativity. It can also affect your very important relationships. How do we find joy that lasts longer? There are 2 primary sources that can allow […]

3 étapes pour être le meilleur de toi même

Be Your Best

[BCTT bip = “Chaque être humain est censé être bon, rempli de potentiel.” username = “” via PasteurEmmanuel “”] En d’autres termes, toi et moi avons tout le potentiel nécessaire pour être la meilleure version de nous-mêmes. Si tu crois que Dieu représente la perfection, l’accomplissement et la vie abondante, alors, ta vie, ici sur […]

3 Steps To Help You Be Your Best

Be Your Best

[bctt tweet=”Every human being is meant to be good, beautiful and resourceful.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””] In other words, you and I have all necessary potential to be the best version of ourselves. If you claim that God represents perfection, fulfillment and abundant life, then, your life, here on earth, is a glimpse of all that. Why […]

Devient un Leader Chretien

Chaque chrétien doit être un leader à l’endroit où il vit. Je sais ce que tu penses. Probablement, tu te dis: “Ca, ce n’est pas moi.” [BCTT bip = “Etre un leader n’est pas seulement un rôle que nous jouons. C’est un mode de vie.” username = “” via PasteurEmmanuel “”] Oui, même toi, tu […]

Become A Christian Leader: 3 Tips

Every Christian should be a leader just where they live. I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably saying: “it cannot be me.” [bctt tweet=”Let me tell you that being a leader is not just a role we play. It is a lifestyle.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””] Yes, even you can become that leader God wants in your community.  […]

You Can Win Every Battle In Life

All humans find themselves, at some point in life, facing some battles. Once on these life’s battlefields, there are only two outcomes we’re faced with: win or lose. The question, however, is: “how do we make sure we win in every one of our battles?” There are two ways that can help you always win […]

Pursue Love And Not Honor

Who would say no to honor, recognition or glory? Even though, it is OK to get all of those things, but, pursuing them isn’t a good way of life that bears much fruit. A better quality way of life is grounded in the pursuit of righteousness and kindness. This lifestyle leads to life, righteousness and honor. Whoever […]