Fear to Hope
At the time, I’m updating this article from April 2020, it’s the first day of March 2021. And, that’s close to a year into the COVID pandemic. Even though more people are increasingly getting now the vaccine, we should still admit that there’s been a lot of fear in society, as a result of […]
Our Ultimate Goal as a Church
What’s your only goal as a Church? The obvious answer, most of us will give could be “to make disciples of Jesus Christ.” Sometimes, I feel like we show it more on paper, but not in real life. You may probably disagree with me on that. But, let me ask you: “how many disciples […]
Two Steps To Help You Press On
In this reflection, we’ll look at a two-step process to help us keep pressing on, no matter what we face. Life will always throw at us difficulties, challenges, or troubles, and all the other disruptions. But, choosing to press on is the only attitude that can help us stay spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically […]
Emotional Fitness: A Christian Approach
Current events in our country and around the world have triggered lots of emotions. In this video, I talk about three things that can help you be emotionally fit as a Christian: 1. Awareness of your emotions and feelings. 2. Develop new habits. 3. Get support.
Gratitude: The Heart of Prayer
Gratitude is a spiritual discipline. I know that when we think of gratitude, what comes to mind is “saying thank you.” Usually, we thank people (and God) only when things go our way. Don’t we? We behave this way because that’s how we, humans, are wired. Joy, pleasure, gain, growth, reward, etc., are the […]
What The Bible Says About Wealth and Money?
What does the Bible say about wealth and possessions? Or, are wealth and possessions not good for Christians? Of course, I bet you know of Christians who have so much money and wealth that you wonder if that’s biblical. Or, with reference to when Jesus said to the people that it’s challenging for a […]
What the Bible Says About Suffering
We continue with our series on What The Bible Says. In case you’ve missed the others, you can review them by clicking below: What the Bible says about sin. What the Bible says about salvation. What the Bible says about death (and dying). We will use three questions to guide our reflection. First, read John […]
We’re a Community of Believers
Vital Churches are a community of believers! In other words, they thrive to look like the first community of believers we read about in Acts 2: 42-47, And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many […]
Hate to Love
“Hate to Love” is the next in our series. The other reflections we’ve studied so far as Fear to Hope, Anger to Gratitude, and Sadness to Joy. Hate is the opposite to love. That’s why it is important to understand hate, which will enable us to better work on ourselves. Here’s how most […]
Sadness to Joy
“Sadness to Joy” is the next in our series, after talking about “Fear to Hope,” and “Anger to Gratitude.” First, you should know this, [bctt tweet=”Sadness is a live emotion that can serve to remind us of what matters to us, what gives our life meaning.” username=””] Clearly, we don’t have to dismiss […]