Emotions and How to Handle Them (Part Four) – Ep. #12

In this video, I conclude our series, “Emotions and how to handle them, as Christians.”

The last emotion to reflect on is “Fear.”

Here are the other emotions I’ve talked about so far:

Just like the other feelings/emotions, fear also has triggers. Instead of three, fear has four:

    • Place.
    • Time.
    • Experience (interaction with the above two).
    • The Unknown.

The foundation of our reflection is based on Isaiah 43:1-7, which you can read on your own time.

How fear works

Fear gets its roots in your past. Then, it comes out in the present. It also mostly affects you as you move into your future.

[bctt tweet=”Fear uses your past mistakes, sins, failures, and imperfections to hold you back from embracing the future God has already created for you.” username=””]

Unlike the other emotions we’ve talked about so far, fear does not want to hold you in your past. It brings back into your memory your past to disable you to move forward.

Fear feeds on your past; it wants to make you believe that your past will repeat itself tomorrow.

What the Bible says about fear

There are lots of scriptures that talk about fear. The one we’re using, for the sake of this reflection, is Isaiah 43.

Focusing on verses one through seven, there are two things that can help us face fear and conquer it.

God has redeemed you

‘Fear not’ because God has redeemed you. Part of this redeeming grace is that God will use every event in your past as building blocks for your future.

God can only do so if you let God be your Redeemer.

God is with you

God is with you, which means God moves you from the present into the future that God has already designed for you.

God knows the right destination that’s best for you, and that’s where God is taking you.

Bringing it together

You can face fear and conquer it as a Christian. Two things you need to do in order to experience it. First, allow God to be your Redeemer. Second, know that God is with you all the time.