
Gratitude is another attitude that can help us overcome fear, in addition to non-judgment, patience, trust, and acceptance. 

Take a look at Matthew 6, which is a good scripture to help us reflect on this attitude.

Chapters 5 through 7 are part of what we know as the “Sermon on the Mount.”

It’s a record of Jesus’ teachings to the disciples and the crowd that followed him. He talks about a lot of things in these chapters.

While you don’t come across the word ‘gratitude’ in the text, I would say it is implied. In Matthew 6: 26-34, Jesus is talking about worries, and why we do not have to worry about anything.

[bctt tweet=”To worry is the opposite of being grateful.” username=””]


The way I’d read Matthew 6 is that there are two major sections: 

      • How to practice gratitude – verses 1 through 24.
      • The spiritual truths about gratitude – verses 25 through 34. 



Four Spiritual Truths about Gratitude



Verses 25 through 34 offer us four spiritual truths when it comes to gratitude or the lack of it. Read this,

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life (verse 27). 

Clearly, Jesus is raising a very important point here. Choosing to worry does not add “a single hour” to our lives. In other words, worries take so much away from us. 

[bctt tweet=”When we choose to be grateful, we’re adding so much to our lives. ” username=””]

The second truth is what we read in verses 31 and 32, 

your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

The assurance that there is a God who is aware of all our struggles and challenges gives us hope. It’s something Jesus wanted his hearers to keep in mind. 

God is ever present whether we realize it or not! 

The third truth is in verse 33, 

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

[bctt tweet=”The foundation for us being grateful is God’s Kingdom and righteousness, which we have to seek everyday!” username=””]

Last, but not least,

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

[bctt tweet=”Focus on what you can change. And, what you can change belongs to today. Tomorrow is the outcome of the choices you make today. ” username=””]



How to Practice Gratitude



Now, go back to verses 1 through 24. There, you discover four ways, I think, which can help you practice gratitude. 

First, read verses 1 through 4. There, you hear Jesus say Give. Of course, don’t do it so that people praise you or know about your works. Do it in a way you glorify God. 

Second, Pray. Jesus talks about prayer in verses 5 through 15. He even shows the people how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer comes out of this scripture. 

Third, Fast. Fasting is a very old religious practice in Israel. The Israelites used to fast even before Jesus came into this world. Fasting means giving something up. The goal should always be to reconnect with God.

What if you could give something up so that you give it to somebody else?

[bctt tweet=”Showing gratitude always implies the willingness to give something up for somebody else!” username=””]

Every time, you do the above, you’re storing treasures in heaven (see verses 19-24). 



In Conclusion 

Gratitude eliminates fear. And, that attitude comes out of the mental choice you make daily to seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness. As a result, you give, pray, and give things up to brighten people’s lives. In the end, not only you add so much in your life here on earth, but also store treasures in heaven!