In Christ, We Receive New Life


In this third section of Paul’s letter to the Romans, we discover the anatomy of how we move from ungodly ways of life (or unrighteousness) to living in a way that is more pleasing to God. 

Also, we explore how God has made it all possible, drawing on Paul’s letter, for us all to receive new life or the life God has always intended us to have.

You may need to review the previous studies before you continue reading the rest of the reflection:

In chapter 8, Paul begins by stating that there is “no condemnation for those who are in Christ.”

Then, he goes into two laws (sill in chapter 8), 1)the law of the flesh and 2)the law of the Spirit of Life.

The law of sin makes us always want to live by the desires of the flesh. It makes us set our minds on sin.

The law of sin, just as Paul has discussed in previous chapters (see the two study sections, chapters 1 through 7), means that we live according to our unrighteousness.

[bctt tweet=”The law of sin enslaves us to a sinful lifestyle in the eyes of God. In other words, we let the desires of the flesh govern our mind. And, as a result, we become hostile to God, and do not submit to God’s law (Romans 8: 7). ” username=””]

When we let the desires of our flesh govern our mind, we place ourselves in the real of the flesh, or the state of being that cannot please God. 

The law of sin and death is how we are wired following the fall of Adam and Eve into sin. It’s our default state of being we are born with, which sets us up for all forms of unrighteousness. 

In this section of Paul’s letter, he does not define the desires of the flesh, even though, he listed some of them in chapter 1. 

Another concept Paul brings up is “the realm of the flesh.” That’s opposite to “the realm of the Spirit” (see Romans 8: 9-11).

The law of the Spirit in opposite to the law of the flesh. In other words, the law of the flesh, as discussed above, counters everything about God. 

Paul states that the law of the Spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8: 2). 

Jesus made it possible. And, here’s how he did it. He put on sinful flesh as a sin offering to condemn sin in the flesh (Romans 8). 

[bctt tweet=”Jesus can move us from the realm of the flesh to the realm of the Spirit. He is the bridge. He can help us shift our minds from the desires of the flesh to the things of the Spirit. ” username=””]

Even as we continue living in our sinful flesh, we can still live by the Spirit. That’s because we have chosen to live in Christ. 

And, when we live in Christ, the power of resurrection is also in us, just as it was in Jesus Christ (Romans 8: 11). 

The law of the Spirit, not only gives us life and freedom but also gives us the power to live according to the Spirit.

Read again Romans 8, and 10 through 11 to prepare for the next reflection of this letter.