God’s Judgments Are Unsearchable and Inscrutable

Letter to the Romans - Part Four by Emmanuel Naweji

  In this fourth section of the letter to the Romans, Paul raises the following question: “has God rejected His people?”  In other words, he is elaborating on how God operates when it comes to His covenant with Abraham whose descendants are the people of Israel.  It’s also important to review the previous chapters in […]

In Christ, We Receive New Life

The Letter to the Romans - Part Three by Emmanuel Naweji

  In this third section of Paul’s letter to the Romans, we discover the anatomy of how we move from ungodly ways of life (or unrighteousness) to living in a way that is more pleasing to God.  Also, we explore how God has made it all possible, drawing on Paul’s letter, for us all to […]

God Saves Us Through Jesus Christ

Letter to the Romans - Part Two by Emmanuel Naweji

  The second section in Paul’s letter builds on the first, which we discussed previously under the theme that “when humans are alienated us from God.” [bctt tweet=”By nature (as human being), and starting from the day we are born, we are programmed to disobey God. And, that’s because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to […]

Tes Sentiments, Ta Santé

Your Feelings, Your Health - Emmanuel Naweji

Dans cet episode (Episode 4), je discute l’anatomie des sentiments et aussi la manière dont nous pouvons les contrôler. L’habilité de contrôler nos sentiments nous aide à rester en bonne santé et expérimenter la guérison. 

Your Feelings, Your Health

Your Feelings, Your Health - Emmanuel Naweji

In this episode, I talk about how mastering your feelings will help you maintain good health as well as experience healing.    

When Humans Are Alienated from God

Letter to the Romans - Part One by Emmanuel Naweji

  This reflection is the first in the study series of Paul’s letter to the Romans. In this part, we focus on chapter 1 through the first half of chapter 3.  First, let’s point out that this letter is the longest we have in the New Testament. Paul wrote it from Corinth around the years […]

4 Ways You Can Heal from your Past

4 Ways to Heal from your Past - Emmanuel Naweji

In this episode, (Let’s Talk Healing, Ep. 2), I discuss four ways that can help you heal from your past. Scriptures I referenced during the video include: Genesis 2 and 3 Romans 12 1 Corinthians 6  Watch more of my other videos at www.youtube.com/ENaweji. May God heal you and your loved ones that you […]

We’re a Community of Believers

We Are a Community of Believers - Emmanuel Naweji

  Vital Churches are a community of believers!  In other words, they thrive to look like the first community of believers we read about in Acts 2: 42-47,  And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many […]