Freedom Helps You Experience Healing

Freedom helps you experience healing - Emmanuel T Naweji

Another critical element of personal healing is a sense of freedom. That’s in addition to faith and renewing of the mind, which I discussed in my previous articles. Find them here: Faith helps you experience healing. Your mind helps you experience healing.  So, what kind of freedom do we then need for us to experience […]

Your Mind Helps You Experience Healing

Renew your way of thinking, and you can experience healing! Of course, as you may agree with me, faith is key to our healing, which I discussed in my previous article. Yes, faith helps us experience healing. [bctt tweet=”Also, know that faith is a mental exercise.” username=””] In other words, faith is something that takes […]

As I Think about and Pray for The United Methodist Church: My Fears and Hopes

When I think about and pray for the United Methodist Church - Emmanuel Naweji

As part of preparing for the Iowa Annual Conference, I’ve been thinking and praying a lot about the United Methodist Church. And, doing so has brought up fears and hopes. In this article, I wanted to share with you some of those fears and hopes I have been experiencing. I don’t know about you, but […]

Is Church Failing You? And, What Do You Do About It?

Is Church failing you? And, what do you do about it? - Emmanuel Naweji

In this video (Facebook Live), I talk about what to do when you feel that the Church is failing you. I share four tips, I believe, can help you to answer the two questions. Also, it’s been a while I haven’t gone live on Facebook. I am now back.  Here are my four tips that […]

Easter and Its Significance Today – Ep. #13

He's Risen - Emmanuel Naweji

Easter is a celebration Christians have been had for over two thousand years. It reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. But, what’s the significance of this old Christian celebration? And, why should we continue to do it?   Those are very interesting questions one can ask. And, the reason I’m raising them is that Easter […]

Emotions and How to Handle Them (Part Four) – Ep. #12

Emmanuel Naweji

In this video, I conclude our series, “Emotions and how to handle them, as Christians.” The last emotion to reflect on is “Fear.” Here are the other emotions I’ve talked about so far: Anger. Sadness. Guilt and Same. Just like the other feelings/emotions, fear also has triggers. Instead of three, fear has four: Place. Time. […]

Emotions and How to Handle Them (Part Three) - Emmanuel T Naweji

In this video, I continue talking about emotions and how to handle them with a focus on sadness. You can review the other videos in the series below: Guilt and shame. Anger.  Sadness, just like the other emotions, also deals with three triggers: Space. Time. Your experience or how you interact with both time and […]

You Were Made to Be a Wonder - Emmanuel T Naweji

In this video, I share three reasons why I believe, you were made to be a wonder. A scripture we use as our foundation is Psalm 139: 14, I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” ESV. [bctt tweet=”“Wonderfully made” means separated, distinct, set aside, and […]

Pray and You’ll Be Healthier

Emmanuel Naweji

In this video, I share why when you pray you’ll be healthier than those who don’t. It’s one of the reasons why you and I should always be in prayer. Prayer is the most popular alternative therapy in America today. According to the University of Rochester, prayer increasingly proves to be working. We are all wired […]

The Power of the Human Mind

Emmanuel Naweji

In this video, I share on the power of the human mind. You need to be aware of how powerful your mind can be, and the fact that your mind can influence everything about your life. Four things you need to know about the power of your mind The human mind is the area for […]