The Way We Talk Always Matters

The Way You Talk Matters

The way we talk truly matters! Lately with what’s going on in the news, I have been reflecting on the way we talk.  And as Christians, the way we talk should always matter. Whether we do it in locker rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, at work, anywhere else, how we talk to one another is very important.  […]

True Disciples Wait on God in Prayer

true disciples wait on God in prayer

True disciples wait on God in prayer! Waiting on God in prayer is the second mark for true discipleship. The first mark is true disciples follow Jesus Christ. We discussed it in one of my previous posts. Both post describe the five marks of true discipleship.  Waiting on God in prayer is a mark for true discipleship, described in […]

The Power of Good Communication


Have you ever thought of how good communication can impact your life? If you want to be heard, just as we all want to, the way we communicate plays a major role in the process. Whether you do it verbally or nonverbally, your thoughts, reasoning and words convey a message to others. In one way […]

True Disciples Follow Jesus Christ

true disciples follow Jesus

What are the marks of true discipleship? In other words what are the characteristics of true disciples of Jesus Christ? There are five marks of true discipleship. But, in this post, I will talk about the first mark: “true disciples follow Jesus Christ.” Becoming a disciple is God’s invitation In the 3 of the 4 gospels in […]

How To Navigate Your Way Through Change in Life


Change, whether we want it or not, happens to us all. No one can escape it. But, how we handle change is what matters the most. And, the reason is that if you don’t handle change the right way, it can damage you and the people in your life. In this article, I share three […]

The Best Way To Invite People To Church

Be the Light of the World

What’s the best way to invite people to church?  This is a question most churches have been struggling with for quite some time.  As a result, there have been also so many suggested options on how to best invite people to church. Just type how to invite people to church and you’ll be surprised to see […]

All You Need Is What You Already Have

all you need you already have it

As a Christian, all what you need you have it. Here’s why! You gain full awareness of who you should be This is very important for anyone who wants to live at their best. But, it becomes possible through Jesus Christ. It happened through Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. Jesus raising from the dead and […]

How To Avoid Making Bad Decisions

How do I avoid making bad decisions in life?  I bet you also ask yourself that question. Don’t you?  Let me briefly share with you 5 practical ways to answer the above question.   1. Think Bigger Picture   Think bigger picture is the first way that can help avoid making bad decisions in life. Think bigger picture […]

Witnessing: A Personal Experience

Witnessing: A Personal Experience

Witnessing results from a personal experience! Witnessing has to do with a personal experience. We witness about something as a result of a personal experience. An experience about something implies 3 things: a place of encounter, some conversation and some response to what has been experienced. A biblical example of the above can be found […]

Reasons Why I Need God

Reasons Why I Need God

Do you want to live at your full potential? Do you want to live with complete joy and experience fulfillment in your life? Then, this post is for you! But, be careful that you don’t seek stuff instead of seeking God first (Matthew 6:33).  1. I need God in order to be on the path of life The […]